[原创] 有同学需要native english speaker的proof reading 吗?请联系我^^leslieT(2013/7/18 23:55:23) 点击:
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163.* * * 大家好,我的同学是英国人,english native speaker , 硕士研究生学历,课余时间做论文的proof reading,有丰富的经验,给您的论文修正文法,结构,润色。有需要的同学请联系我,我把他的具体联系方式再给您。
联系方式:QQ 2812944283
Native english speaker available for proof reading service. Have written dissertations for BEng Structural Engineering (Engineering course)and the MSc Investment Analysis (Finance & Accounting course), as well as having produced numerous reports from emplyment. I have a sharp eye for identifying spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, vocabulary errors,punctuation problems, and improper use of verb tenses...